DeepInvest: Hellenic Artificial Intelligence in the... management of portfolios!

The sector of financial investment adopts new technologies to provide improved services at a lower cost. In the last decade, a large investment interest attract the automated investment advisors, robo-advisors. These are digital platforms that provide automated investment services, based on sophisticated algorithms with minimal or no human supervision. Recent studies estimate that the market for automated consultants will fluctuate in the 16 trillion dollars by 2025, and highlight the importance in the investment industry.
The stages of the automated process implemented by the robo-advisors are the following:
research and analyze financial goals set by the investors
collect information from multiple sources and applying advanced technological methods, in order to achieve the optimal design portfolio yield a high return with minimum risk.

DeepInvest: the Greek robo-advisor that introduces innovation in portfolio management.

The choice of robo-advisors as investment advisors presents significant advantages. More specifically, the cost of planning and management of the portfolio is lower compared with the corresponding cost of a financial adviser. The treatment, collection and management of large volumes of financial data is automated, and with great speed. Access to a sophisticated and personalized financial-advisory services is easy and instant for beginners or experienced investors and investment advisors.
The project DeepInvest, aims at the development of the Greek robo-advisor that will introduce innovation in composition and in the management of investment portfolios, implementing innovative machine learning models for the creation of a modern management tool and composition portfolio.

Three experienced operators from Greece to cooperate in the completion of the project DeepInvest: CERTH, the University of Macedonia and the EFFECT of SA.

Combining extensive research experience holding in machine learning models and optimization techniques profits, the existing know-how in the development of ergonomic and user-friendly interface, the knowledge of the provision of investment advice and portfolio management, the entities involved are aimed at effective implementation of the project has a duration of 30 months and funded by the NSRF.
The innovative automated tools that will be developed in the project DeepInvest:
aiming at a more accurate long-term and rapid prediction of trends of the securities by implementing cutting-edge techniques from the field of neural networks that mimic the human thought,
manage rapidly a large amount of data from the global connected economy and process a plethora of investment options to achieve the design of the optimal portfolio.
In this manner, the simplification and acceleration of a difficult and lengthy process of portfolio management, providing a substantial advantage over the traditional investment advisors and existing automated advisors.

For more information and news follow the social media of the project.