H EFFECT participates as a Silver Sponsor in 5the International Funds Summit, which will take place between 10-12 November in Hilton Park Hotel of Nicosia in Cyprus.
This is for 4the continuous sponsorship in the presence of EFFECT in a large international conference, co-organised by Cyprus Organization for Investment Funds, the Agency Invest Cyprus and the company IMThe, under the auspices of the Cyprus Presidency of the Republic.
The 5the International Funds Summit we host leading fund managers and administration specialists, who will evaluate the modern changing landscape of competitiveness in the services sector capital management. At the same time, you will refer to modern challenges such as the international standardization, as well as compliance with regulatory and legal criteria for the operation of the business.
FIN/S: Simplified procedures – Enhanced quality – Added value
The EFFECT it has its own strong presence at the Summit with the FIN/S, the all-in-one platform software, a leading technology that simplifies the time-consuming processes, increases the quality of the provided services and make it easier for companies to focus on enhancing their value.
FIN/S – Addressed to:
The FIN/S fully covers the following investment/financial needs:
Private Banking & Wealth Management / Investment Fund Management / Asset Management / Depositary Services / Custody Services / Robo Advisory / Family Offices / Brokerage
At the same time, the EFFECT I recall a series of successful projects from the long-standing and well-established presence in the market of Cyprus, and will inform the public of the 5the International Funds Summit for our full range of innovative solutions software, which provides as a company specialized in the financial sector. With recognized expertise in the implementation of best practices and technologies, the EFFECT it is an organization that, from 1990 to today is constantly evolving, offering value to its customers.
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